Smile. Take the initiative today to be friendly, don't wait to "feel" out the other persons mood, just be friendly.
For most people I know this sounds way to daring, so I have developed a 5 step plan to help you.
1. Take your right and extend your middle and index finger to form a peace sign.
2. Lift that hand to your face while still carefully keeping your hand pose.
3. Place your 2 extended fingers in the corners of you mouth.
4. Gently push up until at least 2 teeth are exposed.
5. Keep the facial expression while you slowly lower and relax your hand.
As you will notice, if you continue to smile and be friendly to everyone you interact with, you will soon see people warming up to you and eagerly returning the smiles.
What about people without teeth? They can try that until they get a migraine! Seriously though, awesome blog...